Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Weigh-In Wednesday - Three Random Things

Let's just say that my daughter's concert went longer last night than I had anticipated and since I was so tired, you get Three Random Things about Me. Lucky You!! I would love it if you would post your three random things in the comments section. I think that would be fun to read!! For what it is worth, my daughter completely rocked the glockenspeil!!

Three Random Things about Me

Three names I go by:
1. Michelle
2. Mrs. Chapman
3. Mom

Three jobs I've had:
1. Fifth grade teacher
2. Literacy Consultant
3. Cashier at Sparkle Market (good times!)

Three places I've lived:
1. Canal Fulton, Ohio
2. Uniontown, Ohio
3. Canton, Ohio

Three favorite drinks:
1. Starbucks soy chai latte, no water, no foam
2. Iced tea – decaf, of course
3. Diet Dr. Pepper – decaf, of course

Three favorite childhood books:
1. Jame and the Giant Peach
2. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
3. The Little Girl from... (series - I wish I could find these now!)

Three TV shows I watch:
1. Survivor
2. Grey’s Anatomy – yep, I am ashamed to admit this!
3. Bachelor – yep, ditto!

Three places I have been:
1. Maui
2. Las Vegas
3. Cancun/Cozumel

Three places I'd like to visit:
1. Grand Canyon – I’ve flown over it…
2. Africa
3. Alaska

Three people who text me regularly:
1. Jeremy
2. Pam
3. Janelle

Three favorite old TV shows:
1. Seinfeld
2. The Brady Bunch
3. Happy Days

Three favorite things to eat:
1. Romeo’s Pizza – my new obsession
2. Southwest Egg Rolls
3. Anything from Cheesecake Factory

Three things I'm looking forward to:
1. Summer – for many reasons…
2. Completing my reading endorsement – ugh!
3. Grandchildren – not for many, many, many, many years!
Your Girlfriend,
PS - What other random things would be fun to know?


  1. Three Random Things about Me

    Three names I go by:
    1. Kelsey
    2. Kels
    3. Mom, Mommy, or Moooooommmmmm

    Three jobs I've had:
    1. Victoria's Secret sales associate
    2. Movies 10 Concession worker
    3. Library paige

    Three places I've lived:
    1. East Canton, Ohio
    2. An apartment in Louisville OH
    3. A house in Louisville OH!

    Three favorite drinks:
    1. Hot chocolate
    2. Parrot Bay Wave Runner (it's alcohol so it's not often)
    3. Mountain Dew (how I deal with four kids)

    Three favorite childhood books:
    1. The Laura Ingalls Wilder books
    2. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
    3. Babysitter's Club

    Three TV shows I watch:
    1. House, MD
    2. Grey’s Anatomy – (not ashamed to admit this)
    3. Private Practice
    Three places I have been:
    1. Toronto, Canada
    2. New York
    3. Myrtle Beach

    Three places I'd like to visit:
    1. Japan
    2. Australia
    3. Paris

    Three people who text me regularly:
    1. Justin
    2. my sister
    3. my mom

    Three favorite old TV shows:
    1. Fraggle Rock
    2. Full House
    3. Family Matters

    Three favorite things to eat:
    1. Chicken Lo Mein
    2. Spaghetti
    3. Anything from Grinders

    Three things I'm looking forward to:
    1. Summer
    2. Flip Flops
    3. My Sister's Graduation party

    Three other random facts:
    1. I am left handed
    2. I had a stroke at age 23
    3. I am finally blood clot free!!

  2. Three Random Things about Me

    Three names I go by:
    1. Miss E
    2. Maria
    3. Miss Emmi

    Three jobs I've had:
    1. Inclusion teacher
    2. English teacher
    3. Literacy coach

    Three places I've lived:
    1. Canton, Ohio
    2. In a house
    3. in a room in a house

    Three favorite drinks:
    1. Orange Juice
    2. Pomegranate Juice
    3. Root Beer

    Three favorite childhood books:
    1. Goodnight Moon
    2. Misty of Chincoteague
    3. Alice in Wonderland

    Three TV shows I watch:
    1. Burn Notice
    2. Castle

    Three places I have been:
    2. Maine
    3. California

    Three places I'd like to visit:
    1. Egypt (if I was brave)
    2. Aosta, Italy
    3. Japan

    Three people who text me regularly:
    No one really-- my plan is pretty limited! LOL

    Three favorite old TV shows:
    1. Fraiser
    2. Charles in Charge (from waaaay back into my childhood)
    3. Life

    Three favorite things to eat:
    1. Steak
    2. Pasta
    3. chicken

    Three things I'm looking forward to:
    1. Summer
    2. Getting married and having a family/ or adopting a child
    3. Continuing to explore all the world has to offer

    Your Girlfriend,

  3. Kelsey - I love your random things. Very creative. What I really want to know is what is the weirdest question you were asked while working at VS?

    Maria - have you always lived in Canton? That is awesome!! I love watching old Frazier episodes. Kelsey Grammar and David Hyde Pierce worked so well with each other. Great humor!!

    Love you Girls!! You crack me up and keep me smiling!!
