Thursday, May 6, 2010

Foodie Friday- Beans and Tomatoes

I love easy stuff! Most of the time dinner is prepared very quickly. Even if I prepare in advance, I only have a short window of time to get it to the table. I am always looking for quick recipes. But I also want them to be yummy and nutritious. This is one of my favorite side dishes. I always make extra and use it the next day for lunch.

Beans and Tomatoes
2 cloves garlic
1 Tbsp. olive oil
1 can great northern beans, drained and rinsed
2 plum tomatoes, chopped
1/4 cup parsley
1/4 cup Parmesan cheese
1/8 tsp. black pepper

Sauté garlic in olive oil. Add beans and tomatoes. Heat through. Add parsley, cheese and pepper. Serve warm.

Hope your weekend is beautiful!

Your girlfriend,

Last Minute Mother's Day Ideas

If you are like me, this year is flying by and, oops, it is Mother's Day. For us mom's this is a great time for us! Time to be spoiled and pampered. One thing I have learned though, is there are many women in my life I also want to honor. Of course I have no real plans of how to do this! If I was super organized, I would have scrapbooks made for them, or a personalized recipe book. Since I have done none of these things, I needed some ideas! And Fast! If you are in the same boat as me, (the one that has already left the dock, but one of my feet is still on the dock!) then here are some ideas for you.

Last Minute Ideas:
  1. Make a gourmet food basket. Go to the grocery and buy foods you would not normally splurge on: cheese spreads, crackers, nuts, jams, fresh fruits. Buy a nice basket and wrap in cellophane.
  2. Pick up a nice plant for the yard. I love this gift!
  3. Make Chocolate Covered Strawberries! Enough said on that one.
  4. Make some bath scrubs. Put them in nice jars and tie with ribbon. Check out this website: Do It Yourself Bath Recipes
  5. Make some soup or cookie jar starter kits. Check out this website: Gifts in a Jar
  6. Give a gift card for a free house cleaning. What woman would not love this?
  7. Write a personal letter to this person. Tell them how they have inspired you to be a better woman.
  8. If the lady has young children, offer to watch her kids. She can enjoy some free "free" time.
  9. Leave a little bag of chocolates in her desk, purse, etc.
  10. Take her dinner one night next week.
There are so many special women in our lives! I have to say I have many! I have an amazing grandma. She is 86 and is still a sales director in Mary Kay! My other grandma was an inspiration to many and now is resting in heaven. I am constantly reminded of patience by the way Tim's grandma lives her life. My aunt is one of my dearest friends and counselors! I have numerous girlfriends who teach me each day to live life to the fullest and don't sweat the small stuff! But my mom, she is my best friend! I never would have said this 20 years ago, now I can't imagine a day with out her.

Take a minute today to think about all those women who make you life truly great!

Your girlfriend,

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Six things every kids needs, and the one they don't...

Hello there friend! Long time, no blog! Just to let you know what has been going on in my little world... I am working AND going to school as well. I am completing my reading endorsement and am taking two classes - yep, two classes!! Ugh!! I am being crushed by the work load! I came home from work, spent about a half hour with the kids, worked on one paper, ate dinner with the family (thanks honey), and then spent three more hours working on another paper. So, if you have wondered where I have been, now you know!!

As for today's blog, we are finally to the end of our series Six Things Every Kid Needs, And The One They Don't. These are based on an article I read in the the April 17, 2010 Woman's Day magazine. If you missed the other three blogs on the six things every kids needs, you can check here, here, or here.

I think you will like the one you don't. I know I do!!

and the one they don't...
Kids do not need any more TOYS! Too many toys teach kids to always look to material things to entertain themselves. When kids are dependent on toys to entertain themselves, they are never satisfied and are always looking to see what you are buying them next. The bigger picture - kids that are never satisfied and always looking for the next big thing grow up to become adults that are never satisfied and always looking for the next big thing.

It is easy to substitute toys for affection and attention because it takes only a little time to buy your child a toy, but much more time to spend an afternoon together doing something fun. Ultimately, it’s time spent together that will lead to happier kids and happier families.

A few suggestions:

1) Save gift-giving for birthdays and Christmas only. This will teach children learn to wait for what they want.

2) Limit gifts at birthdays and Christmas to a few. This will encourage children to focus on what they really want.

3) Focus on 'free' gifts, such as watching a family video, an outdoor activity such as baking, biking, hiking, or building something together.

So there you have it... six things every kids needs and the one they don't.

Your Girlfriend,

Friday, April 30, 2010

Foodie Friday- Cream Cheese Bars

No post yesterday! Sorry girls. I just can't seem to get rid of computer problems. I think I should be good now. Or at least I hope.

I am posting a recipe that a friend of mine made. It was so yummy that I wanted to eat the whole plate! She was kind enough to share the recipe, and now I am sharing with you. If you have a sweet tooth, this will fix it! Oh I am getting hungry just talking about this one!

Cream Cheese Bars
2-pkgs. of crescent rolls
2-pkgs. of cream cheese, softened
1 cup sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
1 stick melted margarine
1/4 cup of sugar and 1 tsp cinnamon mixed together for the topping
press 1 package of crescent rolls in bottom of 13x9 dish. Mix cream cheese, sugar, and vanilla together and spread on top of crescent roll. Next put the other can of crescent rolls on top, pinching the seams together. Pour the margarine on top, then sprinkle the cinnamon and sugar mix on top. Bake in oven @ 350* for 30 min.
If you decide to make these, give me a call! I will bring the coffee.
Your girlfriend,

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Six things every kid needs, and the one they don't

I am exhausted! As Melinda mentioned yesterday, I am currently taking two classes and the work load is getting the better of me! On top of that, something in the air is irritating my eyes, so I have been sporting some pink, itchy eyes that last week or so. Ugh!!

I am continuing the series Six Things Every Kid Needs, And The One They Don't that I found in the April 17, 2010 issue of Woman's Day magazine. I shared numbers one and two on the list two weeks ago and numbers three and four last week. Just click on the links if you want to check those out!!

#5 - Playtime
Playtime is vital for children, and not just because kids enjoy play time or because you need to get some stuff done. Play time actually helps their brains develop properly. Free play time, meaning play that is not adult or parent directed, is important because it helps children discover their talents, develop resourcefulness skills, and hone their abilities to problem solve and their abilities to get along with others. Free play exercises their imagination and stretches their creativity, while allowing them to try things and fail at things in private without judgment. All of this helps them do better in school because kids who play have nimble minds and can look at things from different sides.

The next time you’re thinking of signing your kids up for an activity, first think about whether or not they have enough time each week to just hang out and let their imagination guide them.

#6 - Independence
“The way many people parent today does not prepare kids for adulthood,” Dr. Skenazy says. “We wait for them, cheer for their every move, take them to soccer, dance and every other lesson — and we take away their chance to do things on their own.”

Doing things independently is very important for a child because children feel confident when they feel competent. Letting your child make his own bed, walk into a store and pick up a few things by himself, or walk to town tells him you believe in him. The same confidence emerges when a child completes his own science fair or other school project. Of course, help him collect the materials and ask him questions that will guide him to its completion, but let it be his. So what if it doesn’t look as put-together as the other parent-influenced designs? Your child will feel satisfied knowing that he has produced something on his own.

I believe this is the hardest of the six for parents to give their children. The more we do for our children, the less they learn to do for themselves. I can attest to the young adults that come to my classroom without the ability to pick up after themselves - shocking! My daughter's second grade teacher has made numerous references in her newsletters to the need for parents to give their children responsibilities at home. While giving children independence and responsibility is not always easy - emotionally or time-wise - it is vital to their healthy development. I remember discussing this very thing with a mom of one of my students at conferences a few months ago. The conversation ended when I asked her how she felt about her son living in her basement playing video games when he was forty. The picture painted a very clear picture for the mom and I have seen some obvious improvement on her part and her sons!! Remember - the more you do for them now, the less they learn to do for themselves.

Good luck and I will see you next week when we find out the one thing your kid does not need! Should be interesting!!

Your Girlfriend,

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Manic Monday- Oh Wait, is it Tuesday?

Okay... I have been offering tips on organization, and yet you can never be prepared for the unexpected! I think someone once said, "Welcome to the Chaos!" And that pretty much sums it up. So you did not get a blog yesterday, and today I will tell you why!

Michelle and I sometimes become overwhelmed, yes I said it - overwhelmed! Does this mean we despair? Never! God is always in charge. But we both needed to take a step back yesterday.

Michelle is amazing! Not only is she queen blogger, but she works full time, has two darling children, and is now taking two classes! She not only needs a break from her computer, but a vacation. Good thing she has an awesome hubby!

I, on the other hand, have been challenged technologically. My husband and I have decided to cancel cable. We thought it would save us some cash and give us more quality time as a family. Right after we did this our computer decided to go up in smoke. I was looking online when the computer crashed and smoke came out the front. I quickly unplugged. So now we have no TV and no computer! Not exactly what we were going for. How am I supposed to keep up with my friends on facebook, answer emails, and blog?? Oh the misery! Actually, I survived and liked not having no technology for two whole days!

Today I thought I would turn the computer on and see how bad it really was. Voila! It worked! My husband is now telling me I imagined the smoke. I like to think it was the power of prayer. I knew we could not afford a new computer right now. Not that we could not live without it!

So organizing tips this week! Just a healthy dose of reality! :0)

Your girlfriend,

Friday, April 23, 2010

Foodie Friday - Mexican Fried Ice Cream

With Cinco de Mayo a few weeks away, the Girlfriends thought you might want some yummy Mexican recipes!! I love mexican fried ice cream! I got hooked on it years and years ago when we would head to Chi-chi's for family celebrations. Now that Chi-chi's is closed, I have to rely on my sister-in-law Kelly's recipe for Mexican Fried Ice Cream. The best thing about it - it isn't fried, so that makes it super healthy. *wink, wink*

Mexican Fried Ice Cream

5 cups frosted flakes, slightly crushed
5 Tbsp. butter, melted
2 Tbsp. cinnamon
1/2 gallon vanilla ice cream

Mix together frosted flakes, butter, and cinnamon. Reserve half of the mixture and set aside. Spread out crumb mixture in the bottom of the 9 x 13 pan. Put it in the freezer.

In a bowl, whip the ice cream with a mixer until soft. Spread ice cream over the crumb mixture. Top it with the reserve crumb mixture and freeze until firm.

Serve with your choice of toppings: chocolate syrup (yummy), honey, whipped cream, or crushed strawberries.

Enjoy mi amigas!!

Tu amiga,

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Gardening and Green Thumbs! Oh My!

Gardening can be a daunting task, but lucky for us, Teresa gave us some great ideas to get us started. For many, space is an issue for gardening. That is why container gardening is perfect for you! I used to do container gardening when I lived in a duplex and could not plant things in the ground. I still wanted some fresh veggies, so container gardening was a great option. Container gardening is also great for kids because they can easily help take care of the plants.

All you need for container gardening are containers. Sound easy enough? You do want to make sure the container is large enough for the plant. Tomatoes and peppers grow very well in large pots. I always lined 1/4 of the way up with rocks, then soil. This helps with drainage. Another great plant for a container is lettuce. Leafy lettuces can easily be grown in a container or even a basket. Once the lettuce is cut, you can replant. Kids love this one! They can go out and cut their own salad.

Herbs will grow very well in containers which can also be brought in during the winter. This way you have fresh herbs all year round. Just imagine making spaghetti sauce with fresh basil in the middle of winter!

Another fun plant to try with kids requires a milk jug. Take a jug and cut off the top. Fill with dirt. Plant carrot seeds all around the edges. Let the kids watch as the carrots form roots and begin to grow. They will be able to watch the growth of the carrot through the sides of the jug. The carrots will not get very big, but the kids will enjoy watching.

Container gardening is easy and fun. You can do it with little space required. I hope you are inspired to buy a few containers!

Your girlfriend,

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Six things every kid needs, and one they don't

Over spring break, oh glorious spring break, I read a great article in Woman's Day magazine. The article was Six Things Every Kid Needs, And The One Thing They Don't. The title alone made the article worth reading, and as I read the article, I decided it was worth sharing. I shared the first two of the six last week and will continue with two more today.

#3 - Conversation
Take the time to really 'hear' your kids, because that will make them more likely to talk to you regularly. But how do you get your child to talk? The key is to engage your children in genuine, interesting conversation. Unfortunately, too many parents ask perfunctory questions like ‘How was school today?’ or equate talking with lecturing. And keep in mind that to get the dialogue going at all, you first need to be around. So schedule a regular walk or board game to give you uninterrupted time together.

Another common mistake we as parents make is rushing in to solve things for our children - especially teenagers. We say, ‘You know what you should do?’ and then we tell them, instead of listening and allowing them to fully get out what they’re trying to say without judging it. Instead of offering advice, ask questions that can help them come to conclusions on their own. Make a point to give your child eye contact. Sit with your kids and give them the respect of listening in a way they deserve.

#4 - Something Shared
Have you had a moment today where you really connected with your child? Did you share a joke, a hug, or a game of catch? It’s easy to go through the day telling your child what to do and never fully engage with each other. When kids feel connected to you, they learn that they’re connected to people outside the family, and that the way they act has an effect on others. Feeling like you have a place in the world and people who support you leads to happiness in adulthood.

Connectedness should happen naturally in everyday life. Family dinner, car trips, and other regular activities can be a shared joy that leaves you feeling close. Many parents approach parenting as drudgery, a job that’s a lot of work. What parents and kids need to feel connected to one another is to have fun. Sometimes that can mean doing nothing, but doing nothing comfortably together.

So plan family activities, shared challenges, and regular family dinners to reclaim a sense of fun and joy. If you do, your child will benefit by becoming more socially skilled, have a better self-image, and think of home as their haven when things go wrong.

Your Girlfriend,

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Man's Perspective on Mother's Day

Yep, we have another guest blogger for you. We thought we would spice up our blog with a little testerone, so my husband Jeremy is blogging about a man's perspective on Mother's Day.

Good morning ladies, or should I say “Mothers”? I have been asked to share some thoughts and ideas from a man’s perspective about Mother’s Day. So let me start off by saying this: I believe that mothers play a very important and integral role in the development of our homes, our children, and our families. I mean it - and no, the Graceful Girlfriends didn’t put me up to this. This is why I try to make Mother's Day an event centered around her.

Over the last few years, I think I have gotten our Mother's Day plans down to a science and the key is sharing the load. Our kids have reached the age where I can help them get a 'breakfast-in-bed' pulled together for mom that morning. It is a good idea to have breakfast planned out a day or two before that morning and we usually keep it simple - toast, fresh fruit, and for my wife, a soy chai latte. In the past, we have celebrated the day with our extended families. So the 'guys' pull together a nice meal for the girls (all of our wives and mom) where they are served instead of the usual serving they end up doing for us at other holiday get-togethers throughout the year. Again, it’s good to pool family resources and share the load – brother-in-laws, father-in-laws, and kids can all help with the meal. I really think everyone participating in the preparation of the meal adds to the “event” feel of the day. When planning your meal, remember to keep it simple. Over the last few years, we have determined that going out to eat with the entire family is not for us - it costs a lot of money for our very large group and tends to be too time-consuming. We usually have a cook-out and each man contributes a side dish or dessert for the meal. We have also packed a picnic lunch and taken the ladies somewhere special for the day. Delicious, fun, and budget friendly! Of course gifts, cards, and flowers always a nice added touch to the day and again, kids can get in on this one by making cards for Mom.

Mother's Day is celebrated one day of each year. I guess the important thing that I am trying to do for my wife in regards to Mother’s Day, is to try and be as thoughtful the other 364 days out of the year. That, I am finding, makes Mother’s Day just another day in paradise.

Your girlfriend's husband,

Monday, April 19, 2010

Manic Monday: Laundry Room Blues

I must admit my laundry room is not my favorite place to be for multiple reasons. The main reason- it is in my dark, dingy basement. Yuck! So I do not keep it very organized. As I write today's blog, I am gaining ideas for myself too. Anything to make doing laundry a less painful process. It seems in our house laundry day is everyday - even though I try to keep it to a couple days a week. With a new little one, our laundry piles up quickly.

One of my saving graces is having a laundry organizer on my main floor. I have three spots- darks, lights, and towels. I can do further sorting from these 3 bins. The kids also have a laundry bin in their rooms. On Laundry day, they bring me their clothes and help sort. This teaches them early on where the different items go. Phew, sorting is done. Now begins the daunting task of multiple trips to the basement. Laundry day is also my exercise day!

Once in my laundry room I have very basic organization. So for more helpful tips I have listed a few websites to check out: HGTV offers some laundry room tips, as well as Mrs. Clean. Home Organization Guide also offers helpful hints.

Once our clothes are washed, the endless folding begins. Again, I grab my kids. They can fold washcloths, match socks, and help carry things to their rooms. I like to fold everything in my room laying it in piles on the bed. After all laundry is done, then we start to carry it to the other rooms. This makes the trips back and forth less.

I have to admit all these ideas have inspired me to try and reorganize my laundry area. Now if I only could get someone to iron the clothes! :0)

Your girlfriend,

Friday, April 16, 2010

Foodie Friday - Corn Casserole

We decided to focus on side dishes for the next few weeks. From the emails we have been receiving, many of you are confident in your main courses, but are struggling to have variety in your side dishes. A favorite in our house is corn casserole, also called corn souffle. This side dish is very easy to make and can be made in advance and put in the fridge untilyou are ready to bake it.

Corn Casserole

2 whole eggs
1 cup sour cream
½ cups melted butter
1 can 16 oz whole kernal corn (undrained)
1 can 16 oz cream style corn
1 box 10 0z Jiffy corn muffin mix

Mix together eggs, corn, and sour cream. Then add melted butter and corn bread mix. Stir well. Put into a 9" x 13" baking dish and bake at 350 degrees for 45 - 55 minutes.

Your Girlfriend,

PS - When I am making a corn casserole for my family of four, I make two casseroles by splitting the mixture into two smaller baking dishes. I then bake both of them and when the extra is completely cooled, I cover it completely and throw it in the freezer for another day. When I am having a busy day and need a side dish, I pull out my frozen corn casserole, let it thaw, and then heat it.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Guest Bloggers, Gardening, and Green Thumbs!! Oh my!!

Girlfriends With Grace is excited to introduce you to Teresa, our guest blogger for the day. Melinda and I met Teresa in our Moms Morning group a few years ago. If you are fortunate enough to know Teresa, you know that she is one of those women that seems to be able to do EVERYTHING - cooking, decorating, crafting - and she does them all well. Teresa is also one of the nicest people you will ever meet. She usually has a smile on her face and is always willing to lend a hand when needed. She is a great Girlfriend!! That is precisely why we asked her to be our guest blogger today and to share with you her adventures in gardening!!

New Beginnings

Spring is my favorite season. Everything is new. It doesn’t smell like “snow” anymore. It smells like dirt and earthworms (yuck! Although I do appreciate the work they do in my garden). Forsythias, daffodils, pansies and tulips are blooming, the trees are getting buds and there’s a lot more sunshine! The world is waking up (as am I) and getting ready for a new growing season.
I love to grow things. I have been growing things in yards where I’ve lived for as long as I can remember. At home growing up, we always had a huge garden full of vegetables. I have to admit this garden wasn’t my favorite thing back then. My sis and I had to weed it. Then we had to help freeze and can it. When you are 9 or 10 years old, the rows look a mile long. I know I spent a lot of time daydreaming and falling asleep in the rows instead of weeding. It’s a lot of work when you’re a kid and you’d much rather be riding your bike or reading or just about anything other than being stuck in the garden on a hot day.

Gardening is not without its up and downs, trials and errors. I wanted to try to be “green” this year by growing seedlings in empty egg shells. When the baby plant is ready to be transplanted in the garden, you just crunch the shell a bit so the roots can get out and plunk it in the ground (and the dirt absorbs calcium from the eggshell). Easy peasy, right? Wrong! Those weebles were wobbling all over the place. Thank goodness for the empty egg carton to help keep them upright. They were hard to fill with dirt and hard to water. The water kept pooling on top of the dirt. A good friend of mine who is the queen of all things growing gave me a good tip: Dampen the dirt first before putting it in your growing container. The water will be absorbed right away when you try to water. Brilliant! I will still try to be green about growing my plants, but the rest will be sown either right in the garden or started in those little peat pellets that swell when you put water on them. Henceforth, eggshells will be rinsed, crunched and thrown in the garden to turn into compost.

These are my baby plants. It’s very exciting to start growing things when it’s still cold out. I do not own any grow lights to help these babies along. My grow light is the sun and my big east facing window. I have my babies on a bench covered with a towel, for leakage protection of course, and they grow there. Every morning their little leaves are stretched toward the window so I have to give the containers a 180 degree turn so that they grow straight. I usually buy tomato transplants from the local garden store, but this year I wanted to try a few varieties that the garden store doesn’t carry so that’s why I started my own.

Have you been thinking about starting a garden? My advice is to start small, maybe with one or two different veggies or flowers, grow what you love to look at or eat, don’t be afraid to make mistakes and try new things. Most of all, don’t forget to water.

Your gardening girlfriend,

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Six things every kid needs, and one they don't!

Pretty catchy title, eh? I would love to take credit for it, but I can't. I am actually sharing from a great article I stumbled over in the April 17, 2010 BetWoman's Day magazine. I will be sharing the basics of the article over the next three weeks.

I am fortunate to get a hot-off-the-press copy of Woman's Day twice each month in my mailbox and I enjoy looking at the pictures and drooling over the recipes and food photos. I am completely in love with the bowl of pasta on the cover, but I digress... Over spring break last week, I cracked open my freshest copy of Woman's Day and started reading the article Six Things Every Kid Needs and One They Don't. I read the article from start to finish and thought it was a really good read. It wasn't that the article taught me anything new, it was that the article reinforced what I already knew, and I love it when that happens because it makes me feel really smart! :o)

As many of us have witnessed, childhood has become “a pressure-packed pre-adulthood”. Parents are more concerned than ever with ensuring that their child has every opportunity available in an effort to ensure a well-rounded child - music lessons, baseball, dance classes, gymnastics, swimming lessons, soccer club, reading circles, and the list goes on and on. With all this grooming going on, many parents lose sight of the most important things that our children need and often give them the one thing they don't. Without further ado, here are two of the six things that every kid needs...

#1 - “I Love You’s”
Of course, we all love our kids, but do you remember to tell them? There has never been a kid whose parents have told him too many times that they loved him, but letting your kids know you love them is more than just words: it’s consistently showing them interest, affection, and concern. Take the time each day to show your kids special love – special time to talk one-on-one, time to snuggle, or if you have older children that won't sit and talk with you or snuggle with you, how about taking the time to get to know your children’s friends.

#2 - Structure and Limits
Over the last decade or two, there has been a blurring of boundaries between parents in the United States and their children, making parents more reluctant to impose their authority. Parents worry that their children will be angry with them if they try to discipline them, but it is our job as parents to discipline our children and teach them appropriate ways to behave and act. More importantly, boundaries actually make children more confident and gives children the strength to try new things.

I was given a dose of this reality before I had children. As a fifth grade teacher, I had Justin W in my class, a boy who was in trouble often, never did his schoolwork, and was known as a behavior problem. I fretted the entire summer knowing that I would have to deal with this boy the following fall and decided that I needed to be prepared for Justin. I would not let him get away with anything, but would let him know he came to me with a clean slate. The school year started and Justin pushed every button he could, but I was determined to stand my ground and hold him to the boundaries that had been established with our class rules. After two or three months, Justin knew I meant business and slowly started to follow rules, do his schoolwork, and had genuinely pleasant behavior. Justin became one of my all-time favorite students and I was actually sad when our time together ended.

Fast forward a year-and-a-half later when Justin stopped by my classroom to visit me. As we stood in my classroom doorway, Justin brought up many fun memories we had when he was my student. When he went to leave, he told me something that has stuck with me to this day. He told me that even though I was ‘all up in his business 24/7’, he knew that I really liked him and that I truly cared for him, something that had been lacking in his life. I asked why he believed that since I thought I had been pretty firm with him. Justin told me that it was that firmness and the boundaries I set for him that let him know I cared for him. Wow! The light bulb went off in my head – kids want boundaries and limits because those boundaries and limits show our children that we love and care for them and are looking out for their best interest.

I hope you have enjoyed the first two of six things every child needs. In fact, I hope you liked it so much, that I have left you wanting more... if so, you can tune back in next week OR you can purchase the April 17, 2010 issue of Woman's Day. I hope you choose to join us next week!!

Have a wonderful day!!

Your Girlfriend,

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Mother's Day gift ideas... got any?

No seriously, I NEED some ideas. One would think that our blog would GIVE you ideas for Mother's Day, but here at Girlfriends With Grace, we don't have any fresh and fabulous ideas for Mother's Day. With no fresh and fabulous ideas in sight, I decided to do some blog surfing and came up with two very cool ideas that I will share with you, but I would love if you would share your ideas for Mother's Day with me. I am desperate here folks...

Martha Stewart always has the classiest ideas for gifts to make and the most decorative suggestions to package gifts to give. If you check her site here, you will find how to make bath fizzies - in ice cube trays.

So here is what my family will be doing for Mother's Day this year. I love this!! I think we are going to have all eight grandchildren hold letters that either spell out Grandma or my parents last name. Shauna Mae at My Mix of Six shares more on how to go about putting a family picture together.

Inquiring minds want to know... what are you giving your mom for Mother's Day this year? WE need to hear from you! If you don't give us your great ideas, then I will have no choice but to fall back to my first idea - the decorative cookie at the top of this page. You wouldn't want that on your conscience would you?

Your Girlfriend,

Monday, April 12, 2010

Manic Monday- Organize and Clean!

Okay, we all hate that very nasty word..."cleaning". I mean not many of us really want to jump out of bed and clean our house. And yet after it is done, we breathe a sigh of relief. You must agree, we fully love to see a clean house. Now if only it could be that way 90% of the time. I don't say 100% because that is just impossible, and in reality it is probably more like 75-80% of the time.

In order to be more productive with cleaning, you need to get your cleaning supplies organized. It also helps to come up with a cleaning schedule. Here are a few tips to get you organized!

Bathroom Cleaning:
Create a bucket of supplies for each bathroom. Put everything you need in it- window cleaner, tub and tile cleaner, toilet bowl cleaner, rags, old toothbrush, gloves etc. (for some great homemade cleaners checkout the blog from Monday, February 15, 2010). If you have a high cabinet, place your bucket there. Otherwise, store in a linen closet. When you need to clean, just grab your bucket. I suggest doing a really good clean once a week, and a wipe down once to twice a week. I normally do the wipe down why the kids play in the tub. We only have one bathroom, so it requires more wipe downs in a week.

This is also a place you can create a bucket. Just fill it with wood cleaner, window cleaner, rags, and anything else you may need. If you have an older home like me, dust will be collecting immediately after you do this chore! Do not become discouraged! Just pray everyone who comes to your home has poor eye sight! :)

I have created a little caddy to go under the sink. It is just a nice way to keep things handy. Again I just store a counter cleaner, some bleach water (great for cleaning counters after cutting meat), scraper, and rags.

Once you have organized your cleaning supplies, it is time to start cleaning! Aren't you excited? I find it much easier to have a cleaning schedule. This way it does not seem so overwhelming. What I do is make a month long list of what needs to be done each day. I make sure I always have one day to do nothing. The days I know I am home have more chores. Some of the chores are weekly, others may only be once or twice a year. ( ie. cleaning stove or hutch) When things are broken down by the day, it makes it easier to get done.

Don't forget your children! They also need some chores. Make up a chore chart for them. Show them yours and then theirs. This way they understand that everyone in the family has a job to do. Also make sure your husband has a few chores. :) Having a clean house is a family project!

Not many of us get excited to clean, but we all want the clean house. Hope this gives you a few ideas to get you cleaning with a happy heart.

Your girlfriend,

Friday, April 9, 2010

Foodie Friday- Sourdough Rolls

We always make sure we have a lovely main dish planned, but do not always think about the side dishes. Over the next few weeks, we will offer some great side dish recipes. Side dishes can add a lot to a meal. Many times this is where you can add in extra fruits and veggies.

This week is a family favorite, sourdough rolls. My mom used to make these when I was growing up. Now I am making them for my kids. They are amazing fresh from the oven with lots of butter! The extras can be reheated in the morning, and enjoyed with jam.

Sourdough Rolls
1 pkg. yeast
1 cup warm water

2 cups buttermilk

3/4 cup oil

1/4 cup sugar

6 cups flour

4 tsp. baking powder

1 1/2 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp. baking soda

Combine yeast and warm water. Set aside. Mix together buttermilk, oil and sugar. In separate bowl combine flour, baking powder, salt and soda. Combine all ingredients together and mix. Dough may be slightly lumpy. Cover with towel for 20 minutes in warm place. Spoon into greased muffin pan. Bake at 400 degrees for 20 minutes.

Hope you love this recipe as much as we do!

Your girlfriend,

Thursday, April 8, 2010

I'm on Spring Break...

Yep, I am on spring break this week. No, I am not anywhere near a palm tree. Yes, I am enjoying my time off just doing the stuff I never get to do in the daytime - lunch with friends, cleaning and preparing our summer house (don''t be a hater - it is a trailer), and just spending time with the most important people to me.

My littles were on spring break last week, so while I am home this week, Maddy has to go to school. Jonah had class on Tuesday and will have class on Friday, but has been home the other days. I am reminded this week about how much I miss being home with Jonah. I miss being home and just spending time doing the everyday things with him - making lunch for him and eating with him, reading books in the afternoon, and taking walks or riding bikes around the block.

I should be blogging today - it is my day, but instead, I am on a date. Yep, Jonah asked me out on a date. We are going to Liebermans Bakery for doughnuts, then heading to Starbucks in Target for some soy chai latta's (yep, that is what he calls them), and finally, we will head to the toy department to do some shopping. He loves checking out the Legos, Transformers, and Star Wars stuff.
So, while I could be blogging, I would rather be with my little dude. I mean, it isn't everyday that your six-year-old son asks you out on a date. :o)

Have a great day and hug your littles, or your bigs!!

Your Girlfriend,

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

What's going on Wednesday?

Melinda and I met about two weeks ago to do some blog planning and when we were discussing the blog, we both agreed that we need to be more transparent for our readers. I like it when I get emails from you saying that you can relate to something I have written about or have enjoyed something I have posted. So, with that said, here is me being more transparent and sharing something that has been rattling around in my brain the last two weeks or so...

"Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart." Psalms 37:4

I have always liked this verse, probably because this verse sounds too good to be true. The Lord will give us whatever we want? But God is not a heavenly Santa Claus who delivers everything on our wish list. Neither is He an indulgent grandparent who lives to spoil the grand kids by giving all we want. Nor is God a weak parent who, annoyed by whining and tears, gives in to us to keep the peace.

I know that God knows everything. He knows who and what we are. He knows our innermost thoughts. He knows our desires. He knows our motives. Did you know that:

God knows how much hair you have on your head (Luke 12:7.
*God knows your words before you speak them (Psalm 139:4)
*God knows your thoughts before you think them (Psalm 139:2)
*God knows your prayers before you pray them (Matthew 6:8)
God knows everything you are going to do tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, and every moment of every day (Psalm 139:16)
God records every word you say and will some day call you to account for every careless, thoughtless, unkind and unchristian comment (Matthew 12:36)
God hears every whispered word and will one day shout them from the housetops (Luke 12:3)

Wow - he knows a lot about us! Notice, I *starred* three of them, because I have been thinking about these three the last two weeks. Why you ask? Well...

About two weeks ago, my dear husband and I were sitting out back on our deck. It was a beautiful evening - weather was perfect, kids were happy while jumping on the trampoline and swinging on the swings, and we were able to sit, talk, and enjoy the evening. I thought to myself, the only that would make this evening better would be to be sitting on a swing. I never mentioned this to my husband because a porch swing is not in the budget. I have wanted a porch swing for the last two years or so, but it has not been a high priority for us while living on one income. How often would I use a porch swing anyway?

Funny thing though - about a week later, my husband and I were walking around our block. We usually take three laps. We made one very uneventful lap. On our second lap, we noticed that a neighbor had put a swing out for the trash. It looked a little worn and faded, but otherwise in pretty good condition. We checked it out, made sure it was stable, and made sure it was headed to the dump. When all things checked out, we headed home and instead of walking out third lap, we drove it with my husbands truck and picked up my new swing. This weekend, I enjoyed sitting out back, in my new swing. My hearts desire.

It doesn't end there. This past weekend, we hosted my entire family for Easter dinner. It was a beautiful weekend and we could not have ordered better weather. When we were done with dinner, we all headed outside to soak up some sunshine and let the eight cousins run around. As we sat outside - my mother and I in my *new* swing - I felt bad for some of my family members sitting in the iron chairs that we have on our deck. They are not very comfortable. I began to think that it would be great to have some Adirondack chairs for when we have company over. They would be much more comfortable for our guests. I didn't say this out loud - I just thought it for a brief moment. I never gave it a second thought because again, new chairs are not in the budget.

Funny thing though - this morning, I looked out my front window and my neighbor was getting rid of a white Adirondack chair. Surely it was broken. No one would get rid of a perfectly good Adirondack chair, right? I thought of the swing and I decided to go check it out. On my way out the door, my husband asked me where I was going. I told my husband where I was going and about my thoughts two days earlier. He thought I was nuts, but he went with me. He checked out the chair and it was perfectly fine - a little dirty, but completely in tact. Better yet, there were TWO foot rests. You see, their other Adirondack chair bit the dust last fall and they got rid of it. Since they had just purchased new patio furniture, they decided to get rid of the remaining chair and the two foot rests. We grabbed the chair and the foot rests and headed home.

It doesn't end there - as we were heading to our driveway, my husband chuckled and told me to look down the street. I did, and guess what I saw? Another white Adirondack chair sitting at the curb waiting for the trash men to pick it up. Surely this chair was a broken piece of junk. I mean, what are the chances of two people getting rid of perfectly good chairs? We walked down the street hoping that no neighbors were home and watching us doing some neighborly dumpster diving, but when we got to the chair, it was dirty, but in perfect shape. I looked at their deck - brand new patio furniture. This was the leftover chair that did not match. So, we brought that chair home and I am now the new owner of two Adirondack chairs and two foot rests. My hearts desire.

Pretty amazing, eh? I mean, I never thought that God would hear the desires of my heart and fulfill them by having me do some curb shopping, but God also knows that we have been consciously making an effort to be happy with less and focusing on the things that are truly important.

Or... maybe this is God's way of reaching out and striking up a more tangible relationship with me. Hmmm...

Your girlfriend,

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Bird Feeders for Any Yard

The past few mornings I have woken up to birds singing outside my window. What a wonderful thing to hear! My daughter told me the other day it was the "bestest sound she was hearing!" With spring in full swing, and summer around the corner, this is just the beginning of this pleasant alarm clock.

Here are few ideas you can do with your kids to attract different birds to your yard.

This is an easy one for little hands! All you need is a pine cone, some bird seed and peanut butter. (If you do not have pine cone, a toilet paper roll will work also.) Check it out at Kaboose.

Another fun one is just using a hollowed out orange and filling with bird seed.

How Stuff Works, Suite 101 , and Buzzle have some great ideas for creating bird feeders!

Here is a great recipe to make Suet! Suet mainly attracts nuthatches, woodpeckers, wrens, titmice, creepers, kinglets, chickadees, thrashers, cardinals, as well as bluebirds.

Summer Suet
3 cups cornmeal
1 cup flour

3 tablespoons baking powder

2/3 cup oil

3 1/2 cups soy milk

1 cup nuts

2 tablespoons cayenne pepper

Mix together the cornmeal, flour, and baking soda. Whisk in the oil
and soy milk. Stir in nuts and cayenne. Pour into an oiled 13x9x2"
pan and bake at 350 degrees for 45-50 minutes. Allow to cool. Cut
into 6 suet feeder sized pieces. Suet can be stored in a freezer.

Would you like some hummingbirds in your backyard? Here is an inexpensive way to attract them. Did you know that it does not need to be red!

Hummingbird Nectar

1 cup sugar
4 cups hot boiling water

Boil more than four (4) cups of water on the stove top. Use more than four (4) cups to adjust to the loss of water from steam. Carefully measure out four (4) cups of boiling water into a large bowl. Add one (1) cup of sugar. Mix the sugar and water together until all of the sugar is dissolved. Carefully place mixture into the refrigerator to cool, usually overnight.

Have fun attracting new birds to your backyard!

Your girlfriend,

Monday, April 5, 2010

Manic Monday: Getting Organized-Closets

Over the next few Monday's, we will be offering some tips to help you get organized. I love to Spring Clean. It makes me feel like I have accomplished something. I love the feeling of purging all those unused items, and showing my family how to do the same. So lets get started!

I think most of us would love to open our closets and find exactly what we need. Or open a closet in front of a guest, and not fear the kitchen sink falling out. One of the things I strive not to do is make my closest a place to stuff all the unused junk I "just can't" get rid of. By doing this, things just pile up and eventually those closets are unbearable.

Closets can being a tricky space to organize. My house is old and closest space is very limited. I guess in the 1930's they had less stuff, or were better organized! :) The best thing I have found are shelves! They do not need to be fancy. In fact, the shelves in my kids closets were taken from old desks and converted into closet shelving. The other great thing I have discovered is everything has a place. If it does not have a place, get rid of it.

Below are some pictures of my closets. Okay, not quite works of art, but works in progress!

Brooke's Closet

Aidan's Closet

As you can see, we make full use of the shelves. It helps the kids to find a place for their things to go. I also love to use different storage bins to help things stay tidy. When it comes to our closet, I try on clothes twice a year (seasonally). If I have not worn the outfit in over a year, or I am not liking what I see in the mirror, out it goes. I also maximize closet space by using all the same size hangers.
Brooke's Top Shelf

Aidan's Top Shelf

For all my kids, I keep two memory boxes. One stores cards and special paper keepsakes. You can see these boxes in the pictures. The other box stores their first shoes and outfit, special toy, etc. If it does not fit nicely in one of these boxes, I do not keep it. I also have Brooke's hair ties, bows, and headbands sorted. She also has bows organized on the back of her door. I like to use boxes that I can see through. This way with one quick glance I know what it contains.

Linen Closet
I think the linen closet gets disorganized the quickest. This is where you may need to Purge, Purge, Purge! That is why it is important to have proper storage containers for the different items. I have one for medicines, medical care products, and toiletries. It is also important to check dates on medicines at least once a year. Discard expired ones regularly. An easy way to store sheets is store the sheets in their matching pillowcases. This will make it easy for kids when they are changing their beds. Keep a box of baking soda in your closet to keep linens and towels smelling fresh.

Hall Closet
The hall closest can also become a place to collect junk. Try to keep coats that fit and are useful for current season in this closet. All other coats can be stored in tubs elsewhere. We only keep family games that are age appropriate for our children in the hall closet. This way the shelf is not too full, and we can see what we have. I keep mittens, hats, and scarfs in a basket on the floor. The only thing not used in this closet is my exercise equipment, collecting dust! :) I should probably start putting it all to use!

Bathroom Drawer
This is another clutter collector. If you have proper storage areas, even your kids will know where to get items and where to return items. The key is explaining it and then sticking to it!

I hope you got a few ideas to help you organize your closets.

Check back next week for some more ideas!

Your girlfriend,

Friday, April 2, 2010

The Lent Experiment - Day 45

Today is Good Friday and the last Friday of our Lent Experiment. Today's choices reflect the significance of Good Friday and all that it entails. As I did yesterday, I again encourage you to do both choices.

Your choices for today are:

1 - Spend time today reflecting on Good Friday and all it represents at your church or that of a friend or family member. If you have never attended a stations of the cross service, try to find one in your area. They are very moving. Our church offers Good Friday services every hour on the hour - a short reading of the crucifixion story, prayer time, and communion.

- or -

2 - Rent and watch Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ or The Greatest Story Ever Told starring Max Von Sydow as Jesus. Both of these movies are rated as some of the best depictions of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Your Girlfriend,

Foodie Friday - Hashbrown Casserole

You asked for another side dish for Easter Sunday dinner and this one does not disappoint! I have a few different recipes for Hashbrown Casserole, but I like this recipe for a variety of reasons - it is super easy to make, it can be made a day in advance, and it can be doubled to accomodate a large group. I also like this recipe specifically to accompany a ham because it is a lighter casserole with great seasoning and no cheese. I hope you like it too!

Hashbrown Casserole

One bag frozen shredded hash brown potatoes
Lowry's seasoned salt
1/2 pint whipping cream

Put half the bag of shredded potatoes in a buttered 9 x 13 baking dish. Sprinkle lightly with Lowry's seasoned salt. Repeat with another layer of shredded potatoes and another sprinkling of the seasoned salt. Drizzle whipping cream over the potatoes and let set overnight. Bake at 350 degrees for 25 - 30 minutes uncovered.

Your Girlfriend,

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Lent Experiment - Day 44

Today is day 44 of The Lent Experiment and it is also Holy Thursday. It is hard to come up with task that is at all equitable to the task of washing the feet of others, but I tried. I hope you pick the first task - it is definitely the more difficult of the two. On second thought, I encourage you choose both tasks!!

Your choices for today are:

1 - Today is Holy Thursday, when Christ followers remember the time Jesus washed the feet of his friends. I imagine that feet were a bit gross back in the day with desert conditions, sandals, no pavement, donkey poo everywhere, and no foot deodorant. So, whatever your faith or beliefs, today do something gross for someone else! Could be washing up a really gross lasagna dish they've left for ages, cleaning out the refrigerator or microwave at work, washing toys at the church nursery, or removing the trash bags from the can and washing the trash cans. I am sure whatever you choose to do, it will be appreciated!

- or -

2 - Send a really nice text. Tell someone you love them. Tell someone you miss them. Tell someone they have great hair, they're important to you, that they make you laugh, or that they make your life better! Short and sweet and guaranteed to make someone’s day brighter!

Your Girlfriend,

Easter Egg Decorating

In our house decorating Easter eggs is a treat! My kids love to pick out the different colors, and decorate with crayons and stickers. This year I think we will try some new techniques. I found some fun things to try with them. Check out these cool eggs!

Family Fun Magazine had some cool ideas:

Leaf Print Eggs

This was created with a picture from a magazine!

String Art Egg

Here are some more ideas from DLTK Website:
This is created by pressing a crayon on a hot egg.

How about a personalized egg?

Natural Dyes you might try

Red/Pink: Fresh beets, canned cherries or frozen, crushed cranberries (not cranberry sauce or jelly)

Orange: yellow onion skins

Light Yellow: lemon peels, orange peels or ground cumin

Golden yellow: Ground Tumeric (a kind of spice)

Blue: Red cabbage leaves or blueberries (crushed)

Purple: Grape juice

Whatever method you choose, take time to spend with your family this Easter. Do not get too tied up to spend time with those you love!

Happy Easter!


Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Lent Experiment - Day 43

The Lent Experiment is on day 43 and we are close to the end of our experiment. As we enter the Easter weekend, please take some time to reflect on your participation in The Lent Experiment. Since many of us decided to participate in the experiment due to our decision to 'take up' something for lent as opposed to the usual 'give up', I think it only makes sense to ask if you grew in any way as a result of your participation? Just something to think about...

Your choices for today are:

1 - Take care of a sick friend or family member. There are many nasty bugs floating around out there, not to mention sinus infections and allergies. Purchase a box of tissues, orange juice, some chicken noodle soup, and a magazine. It's nice to feel looked after when you're not feeling well!

- or -

2 - Cancel a debt. Does someone owe you a coffee? Cancel the debt and turn it around...bring them another coffee.

Your Girlfriend,

Wanna Make it Wednesday - More Easter Stuff!!

I'm not ready for Easter yet!! Can you believe that? I mean, I have blogged about things to make for friends and family for Easter, recipes to compliment your Easter ham, ideas for crafts to make with your littles for Easter, things to bake with your children to teach them the meaning of Easter, and of course, lots and lots of ideas for what to put in your children's Easter baskets! You would think with all of that, I would be prepared, but alas, I am not! So, instead of taking care of all the things I should be doing, I have decided to instead, blog. Here are a bunch of things that I want to do for Easter - with the exception of the last two items - all will have to wait until next year. Enjoy!!

How about a simple gift of peeps? Personally, not a favorite of mine, but so many of my friends love, love, love peeps. How about topping off a bag of peeps with an extremely cute Easter topper? Eighteen25 has the very cute topper available for download. Hop on over!!

I told you a week ago that I am all about wreaths. I found this super cute jelly bean wreath at Nikki's Nifty Knacks. It is made out of speckled jelly beans. Real jelly beans. The kind you eat. Too cute!! Hop on over to Nikki's site for directions!

One of my favorite things to make for my littles are cupcakes. You could say I am obsessed! If you are looking for a festive and fun way to dress up some cupcakes, check out Skip to My Lou. You can hop on over to Cindy's site and download her super cute cupcake toppers to jazz up some simple cupcakes!!

I told you I was a bit obsessed with cupcakes. These are the cupcakes I made last year. Simple cupcakes with icing, edible grass, and mini Cadbury eggs. I purchased the edible grass at Target. The photo and directions can be found at The Felt Mouse.

How cute are these 'carrots'? I love, love, love these!! My dear sweet daughter love, love, loves Cheetos. I will be making her two or three Cheeto 'carrots' to stick in her Easter basket. My son love, love, loves goldfish. He will get two or three of the goldfish 'carrots' in his basket. I like the fact that these are not candy and my little like the fact that they are not really carrots.
I hope you found something helpful here today!!
I will now 'hop to it' and get ready for Sunday!
Your Girlfriend,

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Lent Experiment - Day 42

Today is day 42 of The Lent Experiment and while I am anxious to not have to keep up with this aspect of the blog, I will also miss having something special to do each day and knowing that others are out doing the same things. I will say, I think the experiment has had a positive impact on my outlook towards others. I will share more about that next week when I do The Lent Experiment wrap-up. :o) Until then...

Your choices for today are:

1 - Invite three people over to your house for pizza and a movie. Pick a goofy Disney movie designed for kids and laugh at all the parts that a child would never understand. (Aladin is a personal favorite!!)

- or -

2 - Leave someone a small surprise. A piece of chocolate in their make-up bag, a Hershey kiss on the seat of their car, a sheet of stickers under their bedroom door, or a ready-to-eat meal in their fridge. Be imaginative!!!!

Your Girlfriend,