Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Lent Experiment - Day 18

Welcome to the weekend edition of The Lent Experiment. Thanks for meeting me here today. I hope you make someone's day!
Your choices for today are:
1 - Forgive someone who has hurt you. Bury the hatchet. Forgive. Forget. Let go of the past. Everyone deserves a fresh start and you’ll feel better too!
- or -
2 - The next time you go to a restaurant, cafe, or coffee shop, write a thank you note on the napkin for the wait person to pick up. How often do they clean up after others have left and never hear ‘thank you’?
Your Girlfriend,


  1. This is a classic case of forgetting to hit the save button. I love it!

  2. ooh okay, I was so confused! I was like, wait, we have to come up with our own for today? LOL
