Monday, March 8, 2010

Make-It Monday - Going Green at Home

Our last few Make-It Mondays have been all about going green. By making small changes in our homes, we can save ourselves money while enabling us to keep our carbon footprints in check. Even if you've seen many of these steps before, spring time (yep, I am seeing the glass half-full) is the perfect time for a refresher.

Take a moment to look around and run through this quick list to see what DIY improvements you can make to make your home more energy efficient.

1. Check for leaks in common spots, like windows, doors, and places where pipes come into the house. Putting plastic wrap on windows and doors is a quick way to stop leaks before they cost you a bundle.

2. Keep the air moving with a ceiling fan, and in the winter set the blades to turn clockwise, which will create an updraft. This forces the warm air that collects near the ceiling down to where we can use it.

3. Still got some of those incandescent bulbs? Swap them out for compact fluorescent and reduce your electric bills by 10% and remember to switch off lights when you leave a room!

4. Insulate your pipes, and you could reduce your energy use by 25%, not to mention keeping them from freezing!

5. Put a blanket around your water heater. This insulation reduces how much energy it needs to function.

6. Window coverings help keep the cold out. Close your blinds to cut down on drafts.

7. Check and change your air filters on heating and air conditioning systems. Dirty filters make your equipment work harder, contribute to allergies, and use more energy.

8. A programmable thermostat keeps you from fiddling with the temperature, and allows you to turn down the temperature at night when you're asleep, or during the day when you're at work. (or invest in a Snuggie)

9. Replace old appliances with ones that have the Energy Star logo. In the long run you'll save money on energy consumption, and pollute less.

10. Put a stake in the energy vampires! Unplug unused computers, printers, TVs, and children’s games, which draw energy even in their standby mode.

If you remember, one of my New Years resolutions was to become greener and to lessen the carbon footprint of my family. We have already done a few things on this list, the easiest being switching to compact fluorescent bulbs. I am amazed at how long these bulbs last!

Have a great day and I hope you go and get your GREEN on!!

Your Green Girlfriend,

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