Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Lent Experiment - Day 12

Today is Sunday and it is day twelve of The Lent Experiment. What a great day to spread some Sonshine!! Now, go get your nice on!!

Your choices for today are:

1 - Today is positivity day! Life may be full of ups and downs, but today, we are only focusing on the ups. Spend fifteen minutes writing yourself a note about how many good things you have going on in your life. So, look on the bright sid, find your silver lining, and enjoy your half full glass!

- or -

2 - Have a no interrupting day. We have become a society that can’t wait to throw our two cents in, so for today, make an effort to not interrupt.

Your Girlfriend,

Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Lent Experiment - Day 11

This is the second Saturday of The Lent Experiment. Make it a good one!!

1 - Give something away today. Our lives are full of things and stuff and objects and products and we are constantly being told that we need more things and stuff and objects and products. Give something away and see if you feel a little freer and a little lighter. Give a CD to a friend that would enjoy it, a box of baby clothing to a new mom, and all those little samples and hotel shampoos are great for shelters. Sing with me - Give it away, Give it away, Give it away now........

- or -

2 - Buy two of something and give the extra one away. Take advantage of Buy One Get One Free offers or just buy two of something and donate to a local food pantry.

Your Girlfriend,

Friday, February 26, 2010

The Lent Experiment - Day 10

Day Ten of The Lent Experiment means we are a fourth of the way to the end - Easter Sunday!! I must say, yesterday was a tough day for The Lent Exeriment for me. I was going with choice two, make the effort to smile and it was not easy. I had parent teacher conferences the night before and I was SO tired!! I had to really work to remember to smile, so I went all Palin on my hand and wrote the word Smile on my palm. It did help. Have a great day and I will see you here tomorrow. Oh, if you are doing your weekend gathering tonight, I hope it goes well. Mine is tomorrow evening and I am looking forward to it!!

Your choices for today are:

1 - This one is so easy, you may want to consider doing both today. ;O) Get off your cell phone and show some kindness, respect, and thankfulness to those who are waiting on you. Whether you are in the grocery line, the coffee line, or in the bank, get off your phone and give your full attention to those who are serving you. Nothing says “you are insignificant to me” more than talking on your cell phone while someone is trying to help you.

- or -

2 - Think Green today! Plastic bags are NOT cool. Spend a few dollars today and buy a few cloth grocery bags and start reducing your carbon footprint. Using cloth grocery bags are better for the environment, use less of our natural resources, and will lessen the likelihood of more blue plastic bags littering our beautiful planet. You know you have been meaning to do this, so don’t put if off any longer.

Your Girlfriend,

Foodie Friday- Creamy Potato Soup

Growing up in an Irish Family means having our share of potato soup, especially during Lent. This is one of my favorite recipes. Hope it keeps your family cozy!

Creamy Potato Soup
2 Tbsp. butter
1/4 cup finely chopped onions
1 stalk of finely chopped celery
1 can (14 oz.) chicken broth
1/8 tsp. pepper
3 medium potatoes, peeled and sliced
1 1/2 cups milk

Melt butter in saucepan. Add onions and celery and cook until tender. Add broth, pepper, and potatoes. Heat to a boil. Cover and cook over low until potatoes are tender. Blend the potato mixture and the milk in a blender or food processor until smooth. Return to saucepan and heat through.

This is a great soup to add ham, bacon, or even sausage to.

Your Irish Girlfriend,

Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Lent Experiment - Day 9

Day Nine of The Lent Experiment! Keep up the good work my Lenten Lads and Ladies!!

Your choices for today are:

1 - Buy or make someone lunch today. You could make them a lovely little sandwich or bring in some homemade soup from last nights dinner for a co-worker. Bonus points if you write a cute note and double bonus points if you pack it in a kids lunchbox.

- or -

2 - This one is easy – SMILE! Smile at work, smile at home, smile at the person serving you, smile at the guy who cuts you off. Just make the effort to smile and be kind to others today.

Your Girlfriend,

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Lent Experiment - Day 8

Day Eight of The Lent Experiment and each day we get a few more people to join us. We are up to 57 now - how exciting!!

Your choices for today are:

1 - Find out when and where you can donate blood. With all the natural disasters occuring in the world, there is usually a shortage of some type of blood. Find out when and where you can donate and mark your calendar.

- or -

2 - Draw somebody a picture! A picture is worth 1,000 words so say it with art! For those of us lacking in artistic skill, stick figures are equally appreciated. Pictures are cute and sweet and show you care, so go crazy with markers and highlighters to brighten somebody's day!

- or -

3 - Invite a friend or family member to join you in The Lent Experiment. If they are from Northeast Ohio, share with them the article on the 20 Most Miserable Cities compliments of Forbes Magazine. The article shows that Cleveland and Canton are in the top ten and three other cities in Northeast Ohio made the list. Wouldn't it be awesome if The Lent Experiment were a factor in turning those cities around? That would be!

Your Girlfriend,

Weigh-In Wednesday - Opportunities to Serve

We have been talking about weight loss on Wednesdays and healthy living. One of the things I have tried to eliminate/cut in my family is the idea of entitlement. One thing I want my kids to learn early in their lives is that they do not need or deserve much of what they have. What we are blessed with is just that...a blessing. So many people feel that they deserve certain things in life because they are good, they are smart, or multiple other reasons. Although this is not pounds added to their body, I feel it is pounds added to their soul. How can a person who feels entitled fully accept the person God wants them to be?

I love to find new ways for my family to serve others. I feel that through serving, my children and I better see the importance of being the hands and feet of Christ. Do we still have a feelings of entitlement? Sure! Sometimes I think I deserve a house, less bills, a car that runs great, and a stop at that grocery that does not require using a million coupons. I think as humans we fall into this trap more often than not. The key is to pull our minds out of this tunnel vision. That is why I find serving others important. It helps bring me back to reality.

Even though we may all live in different communities, we most likely have similar places to serve. You may even be fortunate enough to find a grassroots opportunity around your home. The key is to find something that is age appropriate for your children and something that you can do as a family. Don't forget to include your friends in this adventure. Sometimes places need a group of people to serve.

1. Pregnancy Support Centers - many of these will take donations of gently used and new baby items. You can have a collection for them.
2. Ronald McDonald House - most RMH's serve meals a couple times a week. They are looking for people to prepare the food and serve. This is a great opportunity for older children.
3. Habitat for Humanity - this is another one for older kids and adults, but what a great opportunity to help someone build a dream!
4. Meals on Wheels - this requires transportation, but so many of these people just want a friendly face to visit them. Sometimes, you can help with grocery shopping. This is fun for kids of all ages!
5. Animal Rescues - my kids and I like to make chew toys for dogs, then we donate them to a local shelter. You can also do a pet food drive. Just check to make sure you know what food they need.
6. Nursing Homes - most nursing homes will let you come in to visit residents. Our 4-H group has done this. We will sing songs and then chat with residents. Your kids are never too young to make new grandparents!
7. Food pantrys - many food pantrys need people to organize donations and pack bags so they are ready for familys in need. This is something that Michelle used to do with Jonah while Maddy was at preschool.
8. Shelters - each shelter will have specific needs. Some need help in soup kitchens. Others need help packaging food for people. Some may even need blanket or clothing donations.
9. Community Gardens - many neighborhoods have or want a community garden. These gardens provide fresh produce for the neighborhood.
10. Neighbors - what about just helping your neighbors? Weeding, shoveling snow, raking leaves, or just stopping by for a visit are a great way to build community!

All of these opportunities are ways for your family and friends to be involved in the lives of others. It is true when people say that serving is rewarding. Teach this to your children when they are young and help them build a future of service instead of entitlement.

Your girlfriend,

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Lent Experience - Day 7

We are a week into The Lent Experiment and I hope you aren't losing any steam. If you are, just think back to the things you have done over the last week and the smiles you have given to others.

Your choices for today are:

1 - Get out your planner and organize a get-together for the upcoming weekend. Invite people over for dinner, organize an after work appetizers and drinks, plan a playdate for some girlfriends and their chidren, or arrange to meet on a Saturday morning for coffee and conversation. In our busy busy weeks, sometimes we don't get to have good time with our friends because no one organizes it, so be the party planner and get your party on.

- or -

2 - Buy flowers for someone! This is NOT just for boys that have girlfriends or men who have wives! In fact, DON'T buy for your girlfriend or wife - think outside your immediate family. Buy for yo' mama, an elderly neighbor, your secretary, a former teacher, your favorite barista, or your favorite cashier at your grocery store. Maybe you know someone who just lost a loved one and needs a pick me up or someone who has recently recieved some bad news. Think outside the box!! Flowers make people SMILE and feel all sunny and stuff.

Now go on... make someone's day!

Your Girlfriend,

A touch O' the Irish!

Trying to find something to Irish Up your house for St. Patrick's Day?

How about printing off this cute sign and framing it?
Just go here for the print.
Best of all, the print is free!!

Your Girlfriend,

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Lent Experiment - Day 6

How did you do over the weekend? Did you stick with The Lent Experiment or did you take the weekend off? Someone asked me at church yesterday if they are 'allowed' to do both choices and of course, the answer is YES! Double tasks = double niceness!!

You choices for today are:

1 - Have a moan free day - and no moaning about not moaning!

2 - Print or send a really nice photo that you have of a friend who could use an ego boost or a pick-me up. I love it when others send me photos they have taken of me, my dh, or of my children - especially when they are from an event when I forgot my camera.

Have a great day and keep the niceness going!!

Your Girlfriend,

Make It Monday - How to grow a blog

Today's Make It Monday is a bit more complicated than our usual craft item...

I am pleased to share with you our newest blog follower, Chandler Joseph. He was born Sunday, February 21, at 10 a.m. to Girlfriend Melinda and her wonderful husband. Chandler weighed in at eight pounds and two ounces. Chandler and Melinda are both doing well and trying to get some rest. Please keep Melinda, Chandler, and the rest of her family in your prayers!!

Your Girlfriend,
PS - Growing our blog... one baby at a time! :o)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Lent Experiment - Day 5

Day Five and the niceness is spreading!!

Your choices for today are:

1 - Make today a day that you really LISTEN to people when you have a conversation. Don’t just wait for your turn to speak, don’t butt in, don’t interrupt. Really make the effort to hear what others are saying to you. It may be harder than you realize.

2 - Write someone a post-it or a little note saying hi and something nice. How often do we sail by the people we live with and work with without catching up and checking in with them? Make the effort.

Rock on my Lenten Friends!

Your Girlfriend,

Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Lent Experiment - Day 4

Day Four here at The Lent Experiment. How's it going? It is going nice on my end. I did the smiley face on someone's desk the other day and happened to walk by while they were staring at it - with a smile on their face. I don't think they have a clue who did it and I must admit, I like it that way!

Your choices for today are:

1 - Smile at, say please and thank you, and be generally lovely to anyone who serves you today. The barista at the coffee shop, waiters, waitresses, cashiers, etc… It's a pretty rubbish job when people are mean, so take a moment to consciously be nice.

2 - Make breakfast in bed for someone. It might just be coffee and a piece of toast or you could go all out an make pancakes and bacon. Heck, it might even be a bloody mary and eggs benedict. Make whatever you think your recipient would most like. I bet whatever you make, they will feel loved!

Have a great day!

Your Girlfriend,

PS - We currently have fifty people registered for The Lent Experiment on Facebook and we have some new followers on the blog. I think that is awesome since we just started this a few days ago! I have gotten a few emails about how to register for The Lent Experiment on Facebook, so I will do my best to guide you there. If you are on Facebook, search for Girlfriends With Grace. Once that pops up, click on the tab that says Events and then click on The Lent Experiment. Once that page open, to the rightish is a box that says RSVP. Just click on attending, and you are golden! I hope that is clear enough. Have a wonderful weekend!!

Friday, February 19, 2010

The Lent Experiment - Day 3

How did your first day of random acts of kindness go? I hope well! Spreading kindness isn't always an easy task, but it sure is fun to think that while I am doing my acts of kindness for the day, there are over forty others doing the same good deeds. That has to be infectious!

Your choices for Day Three are:

1 - Buy someone candy and share it. Whether a Hershey Kiss for your significant other, a sucker for the person at the office you really don’t care for, or just something sweet for someone who has been sweet to you.

2 - Go on It's an addictive little online game where, for every answer you get right, they donate some rice to the UN world food program. Sometimes doing good is fun AND educational! :o)

Please consider inviting a friend or two to join you in The Lent Experiment. Sending an invitation via Facebook is super easy. Just sayin'...

Now go get your nice on!

Your Girlfriend,

Foodie Friday - Stuffed Pepper Soup

Well, you asked for it...

This is one of my all time favorite soup recipes, probably cuz I came up with it myself. I alwys liked eating stuffed peppers, but always felt like I was getting too much pepper and not enough stuffed stuff. :o) This recipe makes enough for two nights worth of dinners, so when you eat dinner, throw the rest in the freezer for next week. Better yet, pack some up for a friend or neighbor!

Stuffed Pepper Soup
2 pounds lean ground beef
1 28 oz can diced tomatoes
1 28 oz can crushed tomatoes
2 large green peppers, seeded and diced
2/3 cup chopped onion
2 cups cooked white rice
2 large beef bouillon cubes
4 cups water
1/4 cup firmly packed brown sugar
3/4 tsp. black pepper
1 tsp. Italian seasoning
2 Tbsp. worcestershire

Brown and thoroughly drain ground beef. In a small saucepan, heat four cups water and two bouillon cubes to a boil or until bouillon cubes are dissolved. Meanwhile, in a large soup pot on medium-high heat, mix together browned beef, diced tomatoes, crushed tomatoes, chopped green peppers, onion, and white rice. Stir until well blended. Add the bouillon water, brown sugar, pepper, Italian seasoning, and worchestershire. Again, stir until well blended. Bring all ingredients to a boil, reduce heat and cover. Let simmer until green peppers are tender, approximately twenty-five minutes.

I usually serve these with beer biscuits. Super yummy!

Your girlfriend,

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Lent Experiment - Day 2

Boy, am I glad to see you here! I was afraid I might be doing this experiment all by myself. :o) Since this is Day Two and I don't want to scare anyone off, I think we will 'ease' into our acts of kindness. Your choices for our first day are:

1 - Send a 'thinking of you' text or email to someone other than your spouse. A few little words mean a lot sometimes.

2 - Make the objects on someone's desk, floor, bed, or table into a smiley face. If that doesn’t make someones day, I don’t know what will. :o)

See, I told you I was starting easy. Have a great day!!

Your Girlfriend,

Winter Fun...

If you live in Northeast Ohio, you know that we have had one snow day after another! The weather outside is truly frightful, and for some moms, the weather inside can be frightful too! I personally love having my kids close and cozy with me, but currently, chaos is my middle name! As moms, we have to be quick on our feet and find ways to entertain our little ones. This is when I tap into my inner child. I just think, hmmm, if I was five or six, what would I want to do today. Then the ideas normally start flowing. Thought I would share a couple of fun things we do at our house to beat the winter blues.

How about bringing the snow into the house for some winter fun? Go outside and scoop up a few bowls of snow. Next, grab some ice, water, measuring cups, more bowls, and let everyone go to town playing at the kitchen table. Make sure you have plenty of towels handy! We create glaciers, let the boats go in the water, and just have fun with the snow.

Turn your kitchen into a bakery. We have this amazing neighbor who plows our driveway. My kids and I bake and bake cookies and brownies to hand out to neighbors or share with each other. They love to cook and this is great entertainment for them. Of course we have to break out the hot chocolate after our bake fest.

The other day my kids gave me an idea. My daughter said, "I sure wish we had a pool." I told her, "Well we don't have a pool, but we do have a bath tub!" So we mixed up the pink lemonade, put on the bathing suits, and broke out the beach towels. They had great time playing in the tub with bubbles, silly putty, fun foam, and each other!

I know you guys have an inner child in you too! Listen to it. Then, let us know what your inner child would like to do on a cold winter day!

Your girlfriend,

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Girlfriends With Grace - The Lent Experiment - Day 1

Living in Northern Ohio is full of challenges such as massive amounts of snow or the burden and pain of being a Browns fan. :0) Seriously, we have the challenge of being located near Cleveland and Canton, two cities on the United States fastest dying cities list. While the reasons these cities are on this list is long and full of more complicated issues than I can solve in this post, I would like to do something...something random...or maybe not so random...

So, back up to yesterday when I blogged about giving up or taking up for Lent. Have you thought about what you might give up or take up for Lent? Just curious. I would love to hear. Anywho, today I would like to ask you to join me in making a small difference in our community each day between now and Easter. I would like you to join me in the Girlfriends With Grace Lent Experiment.

The Girlfriends With Grace Lent Experiment is a way for us to put our words into actions. We all say we want to be agents of change and make the world a better place for our children, but we really don't know where to begin. Our experiment will give you the opportunity to help sow the seeds of change in your community. If you choose to commit to the Lent Experiment, you will need to check into the Girlfriends With Grace blog each day, including Saturdays and Sundays, and check out your random acts of kindness tasks for the day. We will post two and sometimes three acts of kindness each day and you must choose one of the choices and complete it that day. Over the course of our experiment, you will have the opportunity to do at least forty random acts of kindness.

Here is the coolest part of the experiment... many of our blog readers are from Ohio, but we also have readers stretching from Wisconsin to West Virginia. If we all sign-up to do the Girlfriends With Grace Lent Experiment and share this with our girlfriends, who share with their girlfriends, and so on and so on, we might actually be able to be a part of the force that changes our community and impacts our world.

If you choose to be a part of the Girlfriends With Grace Lent Experiment, we would love for you to sign up on the blog or on our Facebook group so we know how many Girlfriends or friends of Girlfriends are joining us and if our Experiment is spreading.

I look forward to seeing you tomorrow, and I hope you bring a friend or two, or three...

Your Girlfriend,

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

To Give Up or To Take Up?

To give up or to take up... that is the question! With Lent beginning tomorrow, you may be asked, “What are you giving up for lent?” Some of the usual responses to this question are things such as sweets, alcohol, coffee, cursing, or anything we deem a unhealthy to ourselves – physically or spiritually. Well, I haven't decided what I'm giving up this year and, in fact, I am contemplating reversing the process and taking up something instead. I'm thinking Lent would be a great time to take on a new challenge, pick up a new good habit.

Yes, I know this is starting to sound like a New Year's Resolution, most of which have faded by this time of year. But, here’s the difference: do NOT take up this challenge without prayer. Take up this challenge with the full knowledge that without prayer, you have only your own strength to accomplish any goal. After some serious thought and prayer, I've decided what to take up, instead of what to give up. My new habit is to take a walk every day. I decided on this as my new habit because it will benefit me in many ways. Walking is good for me physically. Walking with my husband is good for my marriage because it offers me time to talk and listen to my husband. Walking benefits me spiritually because when I walk alone, I can think, pray, and just have some quiet down time – which I don’t do often enough. You would think this would be a simple task that I could handle on my own, but apparently it is not or I would be doing it already! I need to rely on prayer for an adjustment before I can successfully take on my new habit.

Unsure of what you want to give up or take up? I suggest that narrowing the focus to a single habit would be most effective, and by the end of six weeks, it's more likely to be a permanent habit.

Need some ideas? How about...

fold the laundry straight out of the dryer
plan dinner before 10am
begin a daily devotional time
finish all the dishes before bedtime
make your bed everyday
write a note to a friend (different one each day)

So, what will you be 'taking up' for lent?

Your Girlfriend,
PS - The graphic for today's post lists the top 100 things bloggers from all over the globe are giving up for lent. The largest spelled items are the items most often chosen. I thought it was interesting.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Make It Monday: Non-Toxic Cleaners

Everyday we see and read more and more about going green and keeping our planet green. For the next few weeks, we are going to blog about simple things that we can all do in an effort to help keep our planet green.

Over the past few years, I have collected and used a variety of recipes for cleaning supplies, not because they were green, but because they were cheap! I like cheap. Now I find out I am also doing something good for the environment. Green cleaning supplies also have another benefit - if my small children should happen to get into the cleaning supplies, they will not be harmed. So, for our first post in our
Going Green series, I thought I would share some of these recipes today.

1/4 -1/2 teaspoon liquid detergent (I like to use Dawn)
3 tablespoons vinegar
2 cups water
Spray bottle

Put all the ingredients into a spray bottle and shake. The soap will help to cut wax residue that may be on your windows.

1/2 teaspoon oil, such as olive
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice

Mix the ingredients in a glass jar. Dab a soft rag into the solution and wipe onto wood surfaces. Cover the glass jar and store indefinitely.

1 cup or more baking soda
A squirt or two of liquid detergent

Sprinkle water generously over the bottom of the oven, then cover the grime with enough baking soda that the surface is totally white. Sprinkle some more water over the top. Let the mixture sit overnight. You can easily wipe up the grease the next morning because the grime will have loosened. When you have cleaned up the worst of the mess, dab a bit of liquid detergent or soap on a sponge and wash the remaining residue from the oven. I don't know about you, but I hate the smell of oven cleaner! This solution does not smell at all!!

On another note, there are two things that every green cleaning home should always have on hand.

Vinegar is something to always have on hand. I just keep straight vinegar in a spray bottle. It cuts mildew and smells. It is also great mixed with water to use as a bathroom and kitchen cleaner. I also regularly use it to deodorize drains.

Baking Soda is another great item to have. I use this to polish the sinks. It also works as a deodorizer.

I encourage you try a few of these. They are easy to make, cost only a few pennies to make, and are better for our environment than most cleaning supplies you buy in the store. If you would like more information on going green, this website can give you more recipes for cleaning supplies and other green tips.

Green Girlfriend,

Friday, February 12, 2010

Foodie Friday - Cherry Cheesecake

On Tuesday, I shared one of my favorite cheesecake recipes with you and suggested it as a Valentine's Day treat. Since I know that not everyone likes coconut and chocolate, I wanted to share a more traditional cheesecake recipe with you. What could be more festive for Valentine's Day than a super easy and super delicious Cherry Cheesecake?

Cherry Cheesecake
2 cups graham cracker crumbs

1/2 pound butter, melted

1/2 cup sugar


6 eggs, room temperature

2 cups sugar

2- 8oz. packages cream cheese, softened

1 can cherry pie filling

Mix all crust ingredients together. Lightly pack in the bottom of a spring form pan. Set aside. Beat eggs; add sugar slowly, then blend in cream cheese. Pour over crust. Bake at 375 degrees until lightly browned on top, about 35 minutes. Cool. Pour pie filling over the top of the cake and refrigerate.


Your Girlfriend,

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Twelve Fun Ways to Show You Love Someone

I know we have been talking about Valentine's Day quite a bit. But all these ideas can be used year round to show someone you love them! Sometimes we get so caught up in our lives that we forget to stop and enjoy the simple things in life, the fun stuff. I am particularly bad at this. I want everything done, organized and fitting perfectly in my little world. These are just some quick ways to step back and say "I love ya!"

1. Put up post-it notes all over the house with special messages.
2. Take out a big bottle of bubbles and start blowing bubbles all over the house!
3. Lay down with a cozy blanket and snuggle.
4. Build a fort in the middle of the living room. Have dinner and camp out as a family.
5. Make pink pancakes with pink milk for breakfast.
6. Take out old photo books and tell stories.
7. Turn off the computer and TV for a full 24 hours!
8. Get out a puzzle and build it as a family.
9. Hide Hershey kisses all over the house. Go on a scavenger hunt.
10. Climb into bed early and read stories.
11. Pull out coloring books and color as a family.
12. Put down a huge piece of paper in the kitchen and finger paint.

I am sure you all have great ways to spend time together and show love. Love to hear about them!


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Weigh-In Wednesday - A Special Valentine

Over the last two months, we have spent a lot of blog time talking about love – love for our spouse, love for our children, and love for our friends. Today I would like to share with you a way to show love for someone you may never meet. Before I do, I would like to introduce you to two special family members.

This is Abuid with my dh last summer when dh led a group of people from our church to visit their sponsor children. Abuid is from Peru and is similar in age to our little guy. When we decided to sponsor a child, we looked at all pictures of children from Peru and decided on Abuid because he reminded us of our son. We have been sponsoring Abuid for about two years now.

We also sponsor a little girl named Brigida. She is our daughters Ecuadorian twin! When we began sponsoring Brigida, she was only five years old and the picture of her on the internet was of her with her hip cocked out to the side, her hand on her hip all sassy-like, and the most ornery grin you have ever seen - just like our little lady. We knew she was the girl we needed to sponsor as soon as we saw her!

This Valentine’s Day, I would like you and your family to consider showing love to a child living in extreme poverty by sponsoring a child through Compassion International. When you sponsor a child, you are linked with one particular child who will know your name, write to you, and treasure the thought that you care. He or she will pray for you and write to you. Sponsoring a child through Compassion International only costs $38 dollars a month and connects your child with a loving, church-based child sponsorship program that provides:
* Food and clean water
* Medical care
* Educational opportunities
* Important life-skills training
* Most important of all, your sponsored child will hear about Jesus Christ and be encouraged to develop a lifelong relationship with God.

When you choose to sponsor a child, you can visit the Compassion International website and look through all the pictures of children waiting to be sponsored. After you choose one (or more) you will receive your child's photo, personal story, and a child sponsorship packet by mail in approximately fifteen days.

When children find out they've been sponsored, the joy they feel is indescribable. While I have never seen a child's face when they find out they have been sponsored, I have experienced, through my husband, the extreme joy in meeting our sponsor children for the first time. My dh went to Ecuador in the summer of 2008 and Peru in the summer of 2009 and got to meet and spend the day with our two sponsor children. The coolest thing to me was that the children knew who my dh was before he was introduced to them. When they arrived at the meeting place, the two children tore off running for my husband - just like our children do when daddy comes home. That shows me that our sponsor children, through our letters and pictures, have gotten to know us. For a sponsored child, knowing that someone across the globe cares for and about them means more than we can imagine.

What I like about sponsoring children living on the fringe of society is seeing the relationship that my children have developed with our sponsor children. They speak often of Abuid and Brigida and pray for them daily. They are conscientious of the fact that Abuid and Brigida do not have all the things that we have and know that they live in poverty. Their prayers include requests for warm beds, food in their bellies, and good health. Through child sponsorship, my children are learning about caring for those less fortunate, which we hope is a lesson they will carry with them into their adult lives.

Sponsoring a child will profoundly change the future for your sponsor child and will change your own life and that of your family's as well. Give a child hope for the future — and for all eternity. Sponsor a child today!

Your Girlfriend,

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tasty Tuesday - Coconut Chocolate Cheesecake

Since we are about to celebrate a very romantic holiday, how about a delicious dessert? Cheesecake is one of my favorite desserts. In fact, every year for my birthday, my mom makes me one. Just the thought of cheesecake adds ten pounds, but go ahead and splurge! It is sooo worth it!!

Coconut Chocolate Cheesecake
1/4 cup butter, melted
1 tsp. vanilla
3 cups sweetened coconut flakes

4 bars (4oz.) unsweetened baking chocolate broken into pieces
4 pkgs. (8oz. each) cream cheese, softened
1 1/2 cup sugar
1 Tbsp. vanilla
4 eggs
3/4 cup sweetened coconut flakes, toasted

Heat oven to 375 degrees. Mix all crust ingredients together and press in the bottom of a 9" spring form pan. Make sure to press up the sides of pan about 1". Bake 6-10 minutes or until lightly browned. Allow to cool completely.

Heat oven to 350 degrees. Melt baking chocolate according to package. In large bowl, combine cream cheese and sugar. Mix until well blended. Add eggs and melted chocolate. Blend just until combined. Stir in toasted coconut and vanilla. Pour over crust. Bake 35 to 40 minutes or until almost set. Remove from oven and loosen sides of pan. Cool completely. Refrigerate until well chilled. Prepare glaze and spread over top of cheesecake. Refrigerate 15 minutes or until set. Serve and enjoy!

Chocolate Glaze
1 Tbsp. butter
1 bar (1 oz.) unsweetened baking chocolate
2 Tbsp. water
1/2 tsp. vanilla
1 cup powdered sugar

Combine butter, chocolate, and water in small microwave safe bowl. Microwave on high for one minute or until mixture is melted and smooth when stirred. Add vanilla and powdered sugar. Beat with a wire whisk until smooth. Spread over top of chilled cake.

This will make a yummy Valentine's Day dessert for you and your special someone to share. Enjoy!

Your Girlfriend,

Monday, February 8, 2010

Valentines for Your Significant Other

Valentine's Day is less than a week away. What did you get your significant other? Did you get him anything? Well, just in case you are stumped, we have scoured the best blogs around to find a few super cute things you can make for your man. Homemade gifts are great because they are usually budget friendly, they are personalized, and they show the recipient that you spent time thinking about them. Here are a few fun ideas for you to consider:

In our house, no Valentine's Day is complete for my husband without the secret family recipe for cut-out cookies. The greatest thing about my husband is that if I make the dough and put it in the refrigerator, he will eat it like that - no baking, icing, or decorated needed.

JenJen at Tatertots and Jello came up this totally cool twist on the completely overdone idea of a Valentine's Coupon Book. She starts out with a deck of card and builds her layers up from that. Best of all, she shares her coupon template and shows how she changed her template to make one for everyone in her family. Tres chic!!
What guy would not like a six-pack for Valentine's Day? Well, my guy would probably not be too interested in a six-pack of beer, but he sure would love a six-pack of fun snacks to munch on. At Nap Time Journal, she repurposed cream soda bottles into this totally unique Valentine's Day gift. Jeremy's will be filled with plain M&M's, peanut M&M's, gummi bears, conversation hearts, peanuts, and Skittles. The best part, I don't have to feel guilty drinking all that cream soda! Yum!!
I thought this 'Love You' from 320 Sycamore was a fun gift idea for your Valentine's desk or dresser and so simple. Just a frame, some scrapbook paper for the background, and some scrabble tiles. If you didn't have scrabble tiles laying around your house, you could just print your message on the scrapbook paper. Just sayin'...
I hope you found something that you can make for your significant other this Valentine's Day. If you aren't crafty, you could always write a heartfelt poem or letter to your husband. Remember, it is the thought that counts.
Your Girlfriend, Michelle

Friday, February 5, 2010

Eight Ways to Reconnect With Your Spouse-#8

We made it! Eight ways to reconnect with your spouse has reached its final post. Are you feeling more connected to your spouse? If you answered not, I have a simple question for you... do you respect your spouse? Respect means feelings of appreciative, often deferential regard; esteem. It also means a willingness to show consideration or appreciation. Sometimes this can be hard. We may have our own expectations in our head of how things should be, and because of these expectations, (often too high of expectations) we forget to show respect to the one who loves us.

Respect can be shown in many ways and usually, this is through our words or actions, but we can just as easily take respect away through our words and actions. A few examples of this may be: lack of interest in what our spouse enjoys, cutting them down to their face or behind their back, or not making an effort to spend with them. How would it make your spouse feel if you took interest in their favorite hobby? Or you left them a special note on their pillow. Maybe when you are with your friends, you say encouraging things about your spouse instead of talking negatively.

We all need to have a healthy relationship with our spouse. Respect can make this happen. For many couples, a lack of respect is tearing them apart. I encourage any couple who is struggling with this to seek out help and do not settle for less than a great marriage with your spouse. Find a marriage seminar or retreat you can attend as a couple. Ask someone at your church for help. Do not be too proud to take time to work on your relationship.

I hope each one of these eight ways to reconnect with your spouse will help you increase your bond and build a stronger marriage. Remember your girlfriends are here as a source of encouragement and girlfriends should lift each other up, but never try to tear down your marriage. After all, your spouse is, first and foremost, your best friend.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Eight Ways To Reconnect With Your Spouse #7

We are on number seven in our series of Eight Ways to Reconnect With Your Spouse. You will be happy to know that the number seven suggestion costs no money, does not require a sitter, and best of all, you don’t need to leave the comfort of your home. A great way to reconnect with your spouse is through prayer together.

Why pray as a couple? A survey done in the United States showed that while the divorce rate for Christians is not particularly less than for those outside the church, Christian couples who pray together have a divorce rate of less than one percent. That is pretty convincing! The survey confirms that building a foundation of prayer within a marriage strengthens it, protects it, and allows God to work together with the couple. In the book of Ecclesiastes we read "A cord of three strands is not easily broken" (Ecclesiastes 4:12) Think about it…if our personal lives benefit from a living relationship with Christ through prayer, so it stands to reason that our married life would benefit by the inclusion of prayer as well.

Why pray as a couple? The first benefit of praying together as a couple is that together you can bring issues you are facing to God, rather than trying to solve them alone. Praying together will build trust between partners, allowing issues and joys to be shared openly. Finally, praying together as a couple keeps God at the center of the marriage, allowing his protection, healing, and forgiveness where necessary. For these and many other reasons, prayer is an essential part of a healthy marriage.

Give prayer with your spouse a try. You know what they say…the couple that prays together, stays together.

Your Girlfriend, Michelle

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Weigh In Wednesday - Weigh in on Complaining

I received a very interesting phone call a few days ago and I have been thinking about it the days since. A friend of mine wanted my advice on what to do about a relationship – a Facebook relationship. You see, she has a friend that is constantly posting bothersome ‘status updates’ and she wanted my opinion on what to do. What could be so bothersome that you might consider ‘unfriending’ a friend? Quite simply, her friend’s posts are filled with complaining, whining, negative thoughts, or flat-out general dissatisfaction with her life.

So I ask you, what do you do when things go wrong? How do you react? Are you a person who steps up and puts on a positive attitude or are you a complainer? Sometimes it is easy to fall into a whiney state-of-mind, but the Bible has some advice and inspiration about complaining…

Complaining, in essence, is saying "This isn't working out for me. I'm annoyed that I don't have - or am not getting - what I want right now." Whining, rooted in our sin nature, is part of the old self that we are commanded to put off (Ephesians 4:22). The original sin consisted of Eve doing exactly what my friend’s Facebook friend is doing – voicing dissatisfaction about the life God has provided to her. Eve wanted a different one. She and Adam were discontent with what they'd been given, said so, and then acted on it. This is the essence of complaining - dissatisfaction, lack of contentment, a joyless and unthankful heart.

What does the Bible say about complaining?

Complaining is a sign of being ungrateful - Yes, we have all complained at one time or another. Things don’t go our way and we are complaining about this and whining about that. We make excuses. Yet the Bible clearly says that complaining is a sin. Complaining shows an attitude that you are ungrateful and bitter and it often tests God’s patience.

Complaining can lead to disobedience - While the Bible says that complaining is a sin, it also states that it can lead to further disobedience. Along with complaining comes pouting. If you complain too much or focus on all the negative things going on in your life, you can lose sight of all the good things God does in your life. This can lead to an attitude where you lose faith and possibly cause others to lose faith too.

We need to remember that things will go wrong in your life – a sick child, a fight with a friend, the loss of a job. You can spend your time complaining, taking your eyes off of God, or you can remember all the other things God has provided for you. Not only will you be happier, but you will be a positive example to everyone around you.

As women, mothers, wives, and friends (Facebook or face-to-face), we must cultivate thankfulness in all things. We need to try and resist the temptation to complain, show dissatisfaction, or share negativity. Instead, we should try and seek happiness in each wakeful moment. Paul tells his readers in 1 Thessalonians 5:16 to simply, ‘Be joyful always’. In other words, strive to see the glass half-full. We can turn away from dissatisfaction and discontentment and give thanks instead of whine. (not wine girls...)

So, what advice would you give my friend? She will be reading…

Your joyful girlfriend,


PS - As for the 'other' weigh-in, well... I have lost zero, zilch, zip, and nada this week. Yep, hanging at six pounds lost. I got strep last Wednesday and I think that threw my body into a tailspin. I did well on my eating this week, but have done zero, zilc, zip, and nada for exercise. I am sure I will see more results next week since I will start back exercising tomorrow - I mean, why do today what I can put off until tomorrow? (which leads to next weeks post on procrastination! Just kidding!)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Tasty Tuesday- Hearty Ham and Bean Soup

I wanted to give you a recipe that will warm you up right to your toes! I know some people shy away from beans, thinking they are too much work, but beans are easy to use and packed full of nutrients! They are high in vitamins, high in fiber, and packed full of protein. Plus this recipe makes so much, you can freeze half, or share it with a friend. So enjoy!

Hearty Ham and Bean Soup
1 lb. mixed, dry beans
2 cups ham, chopped (you can also use a ham bone)
1 cup onion, finely chopped
1 cup carrots, chopped
1 16 oz. can diced tomatoes
1 tsp. dried basil
1 tsp. dried oregano
2 bay leaves
6 cups water

The night before, rinse your beans. Put them in a large pot and cover with water. Soak overnight. The next morning, drain your beans. Add them along with all other ingredients to your crock pot. Cover and cook on low for 8-10 hours. Remove bay leaves before serving.

Hope you enjoy as much as my family does!

Your girlfriend,

Monday, February 1, 2010

Valentines For Your Friends

We all have some girlfriends that we wouldn't want to imagine going through the journey of life without. Yep, we love our girlfriends. We don't say it often, or ever, but we love our girlfriends. How about making them something for Valentine's Day this year? You know, something that says you are a great friend or I can't imagine doing life without you. Need some ideas? Below, you will find a few of my favorite ideas for letting your girlfriends, or your favorite girlfriend bloggers, know you love them!

Cinnamon Vanilla Sugar Scrub
1 cup pure cane sugar
1 cup light olive oil
4-5 drops vitamin E oil
5 or 6 drops of cinnamon essential oil
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1 16oz. glass container with lid
Combine all of the ingredients in a medium bowl until well blended. Using a spatula, transfer mix into the container and secure lid. Contents will settle, mix before using. Scoop a teaspoon or two of the scrub on your hands and gently massage in circular motions onto your skin. Leave on for three to four minutes before thoroughly rinsing. The scrub will tighten on your skin.

Candy Cane Sugar Scrub
1 cup granulated sugar
1 cup vegetable oil
Oil from 1 vitamin E capsule
3-4 drops peppermint essential oil
1 teaspoon pure vanilla bean paste

Combine all ingredients in a mixing bowl and stir with a spatula until evenly mixed. Transfer to airtight glass jars and decorate as you wish! The contents may settle, so you will want to stir each time before you use the scrub. Apply 1-2 teaspoons of the scrub to your hands and massage in a circular motion into your skin. Leave on your skin for three to four minutes before rinsing off.
The scrub will tighten on your skin.

I like to put the sugar scrub in repurposed salsa jars. I clean thoroughly, remove all sticky with goo-gone, spray paint the lid, and fill. I then tie a ribbon around the jar and add a personalized tag.

How about something for her home?

I love, love, love this felt wreath from The Idea Room.

Is your friend more feather than felt? How about this feather wreath from Every Crafty Endeavor?

This red fabric heart wreath from Blog N' Tell is super cute too!
These are just a few of my favorite things... well, favorite girlfriend gift ideas anyways. While these are all fun gift ideas, the most important gift to your girlfriend may be a quick note letting her know how much you value her friendship!

Your Girlfriend, Michelle