Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Lent Experiment - Day 32

Welcome to the weekend edition of The Lent Experiment! Today is all about memories! One of my favorite things to do with my family and friends is to talk about fun moments from our past. I am hoping your choices today help you and an important other think about great moments from your past.

Your choices for today are:

1 - Get nostalgic! Write someone a short note to remind them of a really nice memory you have of them. You could share a memory with a friend about a time you both laughed until you cried, share a memory with your significant other about how you felt the first time you met or the first time you held hands, or a family member about a funny vacation memory.

- or -

2 - Gift purchase someone a song on iTunes. Everyone's got iTunes these days, but we only buy songs for ourselves normally! Gift a friend a song they'll like or a song they've been singing recently. Its super easy to do and only costs about a dollar. Better yet, buy a song for someone that reminds them of a time together.

Your Girlfriend,

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