Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Lent Experiment - Day 2

Boy, am I glad to see you here! I was afraid I might be doing this experiment all by myself. :o) Since this is Day Two and I don't want to scare anyone off, I think we will 'ease' into our acts of kindness. Your choices for our first day are:

1 - Send a 'thinking of you' text or email to someone other than your spouse. A few little words mean a lot sometimes.

2 - Make the objects on someone's desk, floor, bed, or table into a smiley face. If that doesn’t make someones day, I don’t know what will. :o)

See, I told you I was starting easy. Have a great day!!

Your Girlfriend,

1 comment:

  1. Already done! I texted a friend who's been dealing with a lot- school full time, a job full time...and struggling to maintain friendships (which is especially hard for us because when she's not busy, I have family stuff going on). Just let her know I was praying for her, and I hope things get easier for her soon!
