Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Lent Experiment - Day 12

Today is Sunday and it is day twelve of The Lent Experiment. What a great day to spread some Sonshine!! Now, go get your nice on!!

Your choices for today are:

1 - Today is positivity day! Life may be full of ups and downs, but today, we are only focusing on the ups. Spend fifteen minutes writing yourself a note about how many good things you have going on in your life. So, look on the bright sid, find your silver lining, and enjoy your half full glass!

- or -

2 - Have a no interrupting day. We have become a society that can’t wait to throw our two cents in, so for today, make an effort to not interrupt.

Your Girlfriend,

1 comment:

  1. So, I have to admit. I slacked off yesterday and did not check this post until today. We chose to spend the day in Cleveland with my in-laws, so we were up early and back late...with no computer time available for me. I am happy to report though, that after checking this...I felt I did BOTH yesterday. Although I did not write a note to myself, I wrote one to my MIL, thanking her for how awesome things have been lately. This was a big step for me, I even asked her to make plans with us for EASTER! They usually do not celebrate "small" (in their minds) holidays, so I put my foot down and demanded that we plan a date to go up there and celebrate with them (turkey, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, etc. YUM!). I also listened while my MIL told me her feelings about the current situation with my SIL... and then chose not to jump on the bashing bandwagon. Just thought I'd share in my success with the in-laws. :)
