Thursday, February 4, 2010

Eight Ways To Reconnect With Your Spouse #7

We are on number seven in our series of Eight Ways to Reconnect With Your Spouse. You will be happy to know that the number seven suggestion costs no money, does not require a sitter, and best of all, you don’t need to leave the comfort of your home. A great way to reconnect with your spouse is through prayer together.

Why pray as a couple? A survey done in the United States showed that while the divorce rate for Christians is not particularly less than for those outside the church, Christian couples who pray together have a divorce rate of less than one percent. That is pretty convincing! The survey confirms that building a foundation of prayer within a marriage strengthens it, protects it, and allows God to work together with the couple. In the book of Ecclesiastes we read "A cord of three strands is not easily broken" (Ecclesiastes 4:12) Think about it…if our personal lives benefit from a living relationship with Christ through prayer, so it stands to reason that our married life would benefit by the inclusion of prayer as well.

Why pray as a couple? The first benefit of praying together as a couple is that together you can bring issues you are facing to God, rather than trying to solve them alone. Praying together will build trust between partners, allowing issues and joys to be shared openly. Finally, praying together as a couple keeps God at the center of the marriage, allowing his protection, healing, and forgiveness where necessary. For these and many other reasons, prayer is an essential part of a healthy marriage.

Give prayer with your spouse a try. You know what they say…the couple that prays together, stays together.

Your Girlfriend, Michelle

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