Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Girlfriends With Grace - The Lent Experiment - Day 1

Living in Northern Ohio is full of challenges such as massive amounts of snow or the burden and pain of being a Browns fan. :0) Seriously, we have the challenge of being located near Cleveland and Canton, two cities on the United States fastest dying cities list. While the reasons these cities are on this list is long and full of more complicated issues than I can solve in this post, I would like to do something...something random...or maybe not so random...

So, back up to yesterday when I blogged about giving up or taking up for Lent. Have you thought about what you might give up or take up for Lent? Just curious. I would love to hear. Anywho, today I would like to ask you to join me in making a small difference in our community each day between now and Easter. I would like you to join me in the Girlfriends With Grace Lent Experiment.

The Girlfriends With Grace Lent Experiment is a way for us to put our words into actions. We all say we want to be agents of change and make the world a better place for our children, but we really don't know where to begin. Our experiment will give you the opportunity to help sow the seeds of change in your community. If you choose to commit to the Lent Experiment, you will need to check into the Girlfriends With Grace blog each day, including Saturdays and Sundays, and check out your random acts of kindness tasks for the day. We will post two and sometimes three acts of kindness each day and you must choose one of the choices and complete it that day. Over the course of our experiment, you will have the opportunity to do at least forty random acts of kindness.

Here is the coolest part of the experiment... many of our blog readers are from Ohio, but we also have readers stretching from Wisconsin to West Virginia. If we all sign-up to do the Girlfriends With Grace Lent Experiment and share this with our girlfriends, who share with their girlfriends, and so on and so on, we might actually be able to be a part of the force that changes our community and impacts our world.

If you choose to be a part of the Girlfriends With Grace Lent Experiment, we would love for you to sign up on the blog or on our Facebook group so we know how many Girlfriends or friends of Girlfriends are joining us and if our Experiment is spreading.

I look forward to seeing you tomorrow, and I hope you bring a friend or two, or three...

Your Girlfriend,


  1. Hi Ladies what a wonderful idea for Lent. We are leaders at Tiqvah Hands of Hope an inner city after school program and meet 3 days a week, as you all know Canton City has not had school for a week sinc the snow storm. And like educators have enjoyed the time off.
    But this morning one of our moms who does snack bags for our kids this morning reminded me no school also means no breakfast, lunch and dinner for two weeks for a lot of kids. So we are making snack bags with PBJ sandwiches and taking them to the neighborhood today. Simple acts of kindness. Also if you are looking for an opportunity you and or a group can coook dinner for Tiqvah just check out our facebook and or email We also need Homework volunteers Tuesday and Thursday from 4-5 we want our students grades to improve and we need help.

  2. Thanks for posting this Sarah! The Repository had an insightful article this past Sunday about how the snow storms and lack of school are affecting children that are dependent on the schools for a hot breakfast and lunch each day. We don't think about time away from school as being a day without a meal. Thanks for taking care of the children in southeast Canton!

    To our Stark County readers, volunteering with Tiqvah is a great way to make a life long impact in our community. Just a few hours once or twice a week will positively influence children for a lifetime. Not a bad investment!!


  3. I think this is such a great idea. In my house growing up, I didn't even know what lent was until about high school when I heard about it from friend. My parents are Christians and have taken my sisters and I to Church all of our lives, but I think they thought lent was just for certain religions. I would have never really thought about taking up/giving up until I read your post. I think that's it's an awesome idea that I would like to be apart of...and also to share with my children when they get older. Thanks!
