Friday, February 5, 2010

Eight Ways to Reconnect With Your Spouse-#8

We made it! Eight ways to reconnect with your spouse has reached its final post. Are you feeling more connected to your spouse? If you answered not, I have a simple question for you... do you respect your spouse? Respect means feelings of appreciative, often deferential regard; esteem. It also means a willingness to show consideration or appreciation. Sometimes this can be hard. We may have our own expectations in our head of how things should be, and because of these expectations, (often too high of expectations) we forget to show respect to the one who loves us.

Respect can be shown in many ways and usually, this is through our words or actions, but we can just as easily take respect away through our words and actions. A few examples of this may be: lack of interest in what our spouse enjoys, cutting them down to their face or behind their back, or not making an effort to spend with them. How would it make your spouse feel if you took interest in their favorite hobby? Or you left them a special note on their pillow. Maybe when you are with your friends, you say encouraging things about your spouse instead of talking negatively.

We all need to have a healthy relationship with our spouse. Respect can make this happen. For many couples, a lack of respect is tearing them apart. I encourage any couple who is struggling with this to seek out help and do not settle for less than a great marriage with your spouse. Find a marriage seminar or retreat you can attend as a couple. Ask someone at your church for help. Do not be too proud to take time to work on your relationship.

I hope each one of these eight ways to reconnect with your spouse will help you increase your bond and build a stronger marriage. Remember your girlfriends are here as a source of encouragement and girlfriends should lift each other up, but never try to tear down your marriage. After all, your spouse is, first and foremost, your best friend.

Have a great weekend!

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